The Center for Basal Stimulation and Passive Recreation for Adults with Significant Disabilities (CEBRAIS) is an innovative model of services for adults with severe impairments. Through this program, AMPI provides a space specially designed to meet their sensory and recreational needs. In these facilities, located in the Güanajibo Industrial Park, they are provided with sensory and recreational therapies that promote their adaptation to the community, social interaction, and the development of independent living basic skills. At the same time, the program serves as a respite period for their relatives, who appreciate the opportunity of having some leisure time while their relatives receive services in a safe place. 

This program was developed in 2009 under the sponsoring of the Puerto Rico Council for Developmental Disabilities and the Francisco Carvajal Foundation. Through their sponsoring, the program was made possible. The adult population with significant disabilities has almost no alternatives services in Puerto Rico.

Our facilities are located within and industrial park owned by PRIDCO. We have been able to remain in these facilities for more than 10 years, thanks to their generosity and understanding that, this population have no other services in these area. 

AMPI was the first organization in Puerto Rico to develop a daytime service center for this population with significant disabilities. The center provides direct services to develop sensory and recreational skills, assessments, personal assistance, transportation, and parental support.  Currently, like the other direct services provided by AMPI, the service is limited to information and referral until a new modality of services can be developed, once the pandemic is over. 

CEBRAIS offers services to up to 20 adults with severe impairments. This, due to the special characteristics of the population served and the resources at our disposal, so spaces are limited. It should be noted that all services provided by AMPI through its programs are offered free of charge. Participants are asked for a donation that basically serves to cover the costs of infrastructure.

Services are offered according to the availability of funds, which are provided by organizations such as the Banco Popular Foundation, the Angel Ramos Foundation, the Edwards Lifesciences Foundation and the Enterline Foundation. 

It should be emphasized that the funding for all of AMPI’s programs are seek through yearly submission of grant proposals to the different organizations and social investors. There is no guarantee that programs can continue from one year to the other.

Requirements to participate:

  • Being over 21 years of age.

  • Evidence of a significant disability of indefinite duration.

  • Present and updated psychometric assessment report that certifies their intellectual limitations.